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A New Approach for Training a Physics-Based Dehazing Network Using Synthetic Images

In Signal Processing - Elsevier

Neil Patrick Del Gallego, Joel Ilao, Macario Cordel II, Conrado Ruiz Jr.

De La Salle University, Grup de Recerca en Tecnologies Media, La Salle - Universitat Ramon Llull

Paper (in Signal Processing - Elsevier) | Source code


In this study, we propose a new approach for training a physics-based dehazing network, using RGB images and depth maps gathered from a 3D urban virtual environment, with simulated global illumination and physically-based shaded materials. Since 3D scenes are rendered with depth buffers, full image depth can be extracted based on this information, using a custom shader, unlike the extraction of real-world depth maps, which tend to be sparse. Our proposed physics-based dehazing network uses generated transmission and atmospheric maps from RGB images and depth maps from the virtual environment. To make our network compatible with real-world images, we incorporate a novel strategy of using unlit image priors during training, which can also be extracted from the virtual environment. We formulate the training as a supervised image-to-image translation task, using our own DLSU-SYNSIDE (SYNthetic Single Image Dehazing Dataset), which consists of clear images, unlit image priors, transmission, and atmospheric maps.

Our approach makes training stable and easier as compared to unsupervised approaches. Experimental results demonstrate the competitiveness of our approach against state-of-the-art dehazing works, using known benchmarking datasets such as I-Haze, O-Haze, and RESIDE, without our network seeing any real-world images during training.

Dehazing Results

We showcase the capabilities of our dehazing network in GIF.

Directory for High-Resolution Image Results

Figures in paper
I-Haze Dehazed Results
O-Haze Dehazed Results
RESIDE-OTS Dehazed Results

DLSU-SYNSIDE (SYNthetic Single Dehazing Dataset)

Training images used in our paper: DLSU-SYNSIDE Dataset
All images are numbered and paired. You can find each of these images, in their corresponding folders. Example: synth_0.png

To generate transmission and atmospheric maps, use the depth maps provided, and apply the atmospheric scattering model with your customized alpha and beta terms.

DLSU-SYNSIDE Pre-Trained Models

Pre-trained models include the style transfer network, unlit network, airlight and transmission estimators, as described in the paper.
Link: Pre-trained models

Assuming you have the source project, place all models in ”./checkpoint” directory.


Training our models is not end-to-end. We do not have one script at the moment. Our training procedure, as described in the paper, is divided into several modules, namely,,,, which corresponds to the style-transfer, unlit image prior network, transmission map, atmospheric light estimation training respectively. contains commented code, on how these modules are trained sequentially, with different weights, patch sizes, batch size, alpha-beta scattering terms, etc.


Provided you already have the pre-trained models, you can perform inference by:

python  --path="<hazy image directory>" --output="<dehazed image directory>"


python  --path="E:/Hazy Dataset Benchmark/I-HAZE/hazy/*.jpg" --output="./output/dehazed/I-Haze/"

You can further check for some examples.


        title = {A new approach for training a physics-based dehazing network using synthetic images},
        journal = {Signal Processing},
        volume = {199},
        pages = {108631},
        year = {2022},
        issn = {0165-1684},
        doi = {},
        url = {},
        author = {Neil Patrick {Del Gallego} and Joel Ilao and Macario Cordel and Conrado Ruiz}


We would like to acknowledge De La Salle University (DLSU), Department of Science and Technology (DOST), and the Google Cloud Research program, for funding this research.